R7732_7733_7735是Richpower公司推出的高效AC TO DC 电源PWM控制芯片,最大功率可以做到75W;如有需求请联系我电话:021-54262182EXT 114 (Eric) QQ :1187337351
上传时间: 2013-11-20
~{JGR 8vQ IzWwR5SC5D2V?bD#DbO5M3~} ~{3v?b~} ~{Hk?b~} ~{2iQ/5H9&D\~} ~{?IRTWw@)3d~} ~{TZ~}JDK1.4.2~{OBM(9}~}
上传时间: 2015-02-22
b to b 模式 电子商务系统 ,c# 开发 , B/S结构
上传时间: 2014-01-20
a XOR b> a,然后a XOR b< b,and both a and b are dependent data
上传时间: 2014-01-27
Servomotors are available as AC or DC motors. Early servomotors were generally DC motors because the only type of control for large currents was through SCRs for many years. As transistors became capable of controlling larger currents and switching the large currents at higher frequencies, the AC servomotor became used more often. Early servomotors were specifically designed for servo amplifiers. Today a class of motors is designed for applica-tions that may use a servo amplifier or a variable-frequency controller, which means that a motor may be used in a servo system in one application, and used in a variable-frequency drive in another application. Some companies also call any closed-loop system that does not use a stepper motor a servo system, so it is possible for a simple AC induction motor that is connected to a velocity controller to be called a servomotor.
标签: motors Servomotors servomotors available
上传时间: 2014-08-10
樣板 B 樹 ( B - tree ) 規則 : (1) 每個節點內元素個數在 [MIN,2*MIN] 之間, 但根節點元素個數為 [1,2*MIN] (2) 節點內元素由小排到大, 元素不重複 (3) 每個節點內的指標個數為元素個數加一 (4) 第 i 個指標所指向的子節點內的所有元素值皆小於父節點的第 i 個元素 (5) B 樹內的所有末端節點深度一樣
上传时间: 2017-05-14
parallel connected pFC controller ac to dc dc to dc converter
标签: controller connected converter parallel
上传时间: 2017-05-20
欧几里德算法:辗转求余 原理: gcd(a,b)=gcd(b,a mod b) 当b为0时,两数的最大公约数即为a getchar()会接受前一个scanf的回车符
上传时间: 2014-01-10
数据结构课程设计 数据结构B+树 B+ tree Library
上传时间: 2013-12-31
* 高斯列主元素消去法求解矩阵方程AX=B,其中A是N*N的矩阵,B是N*M矩阵 * 输入: n----方阵A的行数 * a----矩阵A * m----矩阵B的列数 * b----矩阵B * 输出: det----矩阵A的行列式值 * a----A消元后的上三角矩阵 * b----矩阵方程的解X
上传时间: 2015-07-26